A newsletter filled with things I want to share with you
Awesome newsletter
Thank you so much! x
Thank you for all of the support you provide through your articles, newsletter, and Instagram post!
thank *you* for being here! x
As a retired TA I also think of September as a time for a restart. Plus I’m not a fan of summer so roll on autumn. Loving your Substack posts Lex.
Thank you for sharing the dazed article. It’s something I’ve wanted to reflect on myself. V interesting. Will read the book they talk about on it!!
Awesome newsletter
Thank you so much! x
Thank you for all of the support you provide through your articles, newsletter, and Instagram post!
thank *you* for being here! x
As a retired TA I also think of September as a time for a restart. Plus I’m not a fan of summer so roll on autumn. Loving your Substack posts Lex.
Thank you for sharing the dazed article. It’s something I’ve wanted to reflect on myself. V interesting. Will read the book they talk about on it!!